Glycemic Control, Serum Leptin and Lipid Profile in Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Effect of Initial Two Months Anti-Tuberculosis Therapy


  • Imad Abdul-Jabbar Thanoon Dept. of Pharmacology-College of Medicine-University of Mosul
  • Aseel Abed-Alelah Aded- Alrahman Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy-College of Pharmacy-University of Mosul



Pulmonary Tuberculosis, glycemic control, serum leptin level, lipid profile


Objectives:To evaluate the effect of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) on glycemic control (fasting serum glucose "FSG", serum insulin, C-peptide and insulin resistance), serum leptin and lipid profile (total cholesterol 'Tc', triglyceride "TG", low density lipoprotein cholesterol "LDL-C", high density lipoprotein cholesterol "HDL-C" and atherogenic index AI) and to evaluate the effects of intensive 2-months anti-tuberculosis therapy on these parameters in comparison to healthy controls. Methods:Forty three patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis from the Advisory Clinic for Chest and Pulmonary Diseases in Mosul City were included in this study, with 40 apparently healthy age and sex matched subjects as controls. Assessment of serum concentration of FSG, C-peptide, serum insulin levels and insulin resistance, with serum leptin and lipid profile were done for the patients and controls. After two months with intensive anti- TB therapy (isoniozid "INH" 75 mg, rifampicin 150mg, pyrazinamide 400mg and ethambutol 275mg) 4 tablets as a single dose in the morning with vitamin B6 10mg daily, the same parameters were reassessed for the patients. Body mass index were calculated for both the patients and control using especial equation. Results:With the exception of body mass index (BMI), there was insignificant differences with regard the parameters of glycemic control, serum leptin and parameters of lipid profile between newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary TB in the pre-therapy stage and healthy controls. After 2 months of therapy, there was a significant increase in BMI, serum leptin and serum TG with insignificant differences in the other parameters under study.
Conclusion: In this study active pulmonary TB as a disease did not affect parameters that represent glycemic controls, serum leptin and lipid profile. Intensive 2-months therapy with anti-TB drugs brings about a significant increase in BMI, serum leptin and TG with insignificant effect on glycemic control, and other parameters of lipid profile.





