Effectivness of 10% povidone iodine as ascolicidal agent in hydatid cyst surgery in compared with other scolicidal agents


  • Ali Nayyef Assi Consultant Surgeon – Thi qar medical college




Hydatid cyst, povidone iodine, alcohol, hypertonic saline


Hydatid disease or Echinococcal disease, is a parasitic disease that affects both humans and other mammals such as sheep, dogs, rodents and horses.[1] There are three different forms of Echinococcosis found in humans, each of which is caused by the larval stages of different species of the tapeworm of genus Echinococcus[1].This study was done in the AL-Husseinteaching hospital (AL-Nassiyria)during3 years (between 1st January 2004 to december2006) and follow up for5 years,120 patients [70 females and 50 males] ages range between 12years to 56years presented withhydatid cyst in the liver only we concentrate on the hydatid cyst of liver( un complicated cases) confirm the diagnosis by U/S and CTscan ,and after surgery follow upalso by U/S and CTscan for 5 years. Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) is a stable chemical complex of polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone, PVP) and elemental iodine. It contains from 9.0% to 12.0% available iodine, calculated on a dry basis.[1]To evaluate effectiveness of 10% povidone iodine as ascolicidal agent in liver hydatid cystsurgery in compare with hypertonic salinesolution and alcohol,povidone iodine have a better effect as a scolisidal effect because(1)there'sa lowerrecurrencerate during 5 years post operativlyfollow up (2) there is little post operative complication related to the povidone iodine(3)mild direct effect on the liver cell during six months follow up postoperativelyaccording to the liver function tests results as compare with other scolicidal agents, so we can use povidone iodine10% in surgical operation for hydatid cyst as ascolicidal because it highly effective against the scolices,little intra or post operative effects on the liver cells , cheep and widely available.







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