Study of BRCA1 gene expression in breast cancer in relation to some clinicopathological parameters in Al-Diwanyia city by immunohistochemistry


  • Maather Baqer Hussein Al-Harmooshy Department of pathology / College of Medicine , Al-Qadisiyah University



Breast cancer, immunohistochemistry, BRCA1


Background: Breast cancer causes major part of cancer deaths in women and is increasing in incidence. The tumor suppressor gene, BRCA1 has been conferred to increase the susceptibility to breast cancer. We aimed to determine the significance of BRCA1 gene expression in relation to other prognostic factors. Materials and methods: 45 patients with positive family history of breast cancer were selected from Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital / department of pathology for the study. A control group of 10 healthy subjects were also included. BRCA1 expression was assessed and correlated with age, family history , histological type and grade of breast cancer. Results: BRCA1 was found in 9 patients 'samples (20% of the breast cancer tissues) while remaining patients (80%) were negative as well as the control group. A positive significant relationship was demonstrated between BRCA1 expression and high histological grade, age of the patient and family history and A significant negative correlation was found between BRCA1 expression and type of the tumor.
Conclusion: The study demonstrated the lack of BRCA1 gene expression in the majority of breast cancer cases and confirmed the relationship between BRCA1 expression and parameters that determine the poor prognosis in breast cancer .







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