The effect of some factors (age group of mother, new borne gender year months) on the congenital malformation percent of new borns in Al-Zahra Hospital for obstatric and pediatric / Najaf goverement


  • Noor Ismeal Nasser Technical Instite/kufa
  • Rokaya Ali Salman College of Health and Medical Technolgy
  • Abdul hadi Sallal Mohammed College of Health and Medical Technolgy



The study was conducted on specimen (402) of new born congital malformations during years (2009,2010,2011) in al-Zahra hospital of obstatric / Al-Najaf , for determine the relation-ship among (age group of mother ,new borne gender, and year months ) with malformation percent. The present study was revealed that the age group (22-26) year which more percentage of malformation , was (%38) in year 2009. (%31.6) in year 2010 , and (%29.4) in year 2011. The total of congenital malformations of new borns for three (years 2009, 2010, 2011) were (105 ,117, 180) case at respectively. The high percent (%19)of malformations appeared during year 2009 was congenital hydrocephalus, in the period year 2010, the high percent of malformation (%27) was Microcephallus, while the cardiovascular malformation were high percent in year 2011, that reached to (%40.5). The effect of new borne gender on the malformations percent was biostatical significant for year 2011 in the males (%59.5) when compared with female (%40.5), while in year 2010 the percent in female (%57.5). The high malformation percent (%10.2, %13.8) were appeared in the March and April in year 2010 and 2011. while the high percent of malformation (%14.2) was in year 2009 during December period.  





