The effect of chronic use of combined Oral contraceptive pills on pap smear


  • Abdaladeem Yousif Jasem College of Nursing ,Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Shaimaa Mohsen Department of Obstetrics &Gynecology ,College of Medicine ,Al-Qadisiyah University



To assess the probability that combined oral contraceptive pills increase the risk of cervical epithelial changes ( like dysplasia or other changes ),we conducted a case controlled study in Diwaniyah maternity & pediatric teaching hospital; ninty –two women with chronic use of combined oral contraceptive pills ( using pills for 5 years or more ) were chosen as a study group ,while one hundred –twenty women with no history of using the pills ( non-users ) were selected as a control group for evaluation,both the control & study groups were matched by age,parity,socio-economic status & number of sex partners ( all with a single partner being a muslim). This is to rule out any other effects on the pap smear except for the use of combined oral contraceptive pills,all women were non-smokers, the duration of using the pills was 5 years or more in the study group( all are chronic users which means using the pills for more than 5 years ), our findings were close to some other studies ; it showed an association between chronic use of combined oral contraceptive pills & cervical cellular changes.





