Study of Human Cytomegalovirus nucleic acid in specimens of colorectal adenocarcinoma and villous adenoma using Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique


  • Ja'afer AL-Mosawi College of Medicine / Kufa University
  • Lua’ay Adwar Consultant Physician /College of Medicine /Baghdad University
  • Ahmed M.A.Nazar ALShammary Medical Microbiology /College of Medicine /Wasit University



Although the rapid advance in the understanding of molecular pathways underlying human tumorigenesis causes that initiate dysregulation of the pathways remain largely unknown. Human cytomegalovirus has been shown to transform cultured cells, however, viral DNA is not detected in most transforming cells, and the mechanism by which HCMV might contribute to oncogenesis has remained obscure. For further investigation of HCMV role in human colorectal tumorigenesis, we have tested 13 specimens of colorectal adenocarcinoma & 5 specimens of villous adenoma using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. The results of PCR assay showed specific single band in 9 of 13 specimens (69.23%) of colorectal adenocarcinoma, and 3 of 5 (60%) of villous adenoma, by using specific primer targeted directly to the early gene (pp65) that expressed within host DNA, the results read by agarose gel electrophoresis & UV – transilluminator. The presence of HCMV genetic information in human tumors is a hot point because HCMV can infect the organs latently in a high percentage of normal individuals, it also remains possible that HCMV modulates the biologic properties of malignant cells without being directly involved in carcinogenesis.





