Effect of physical exercise on fasting blood glucose level and vital capacity in type 2 diabetic patients


  • Ghafil Saihood AL-Shujairi Department of Physiology and Medical Physics/ College of Medicine/ Babel University
  • Samir Hassan AL-Nesrawy Department of Physiology and Medical Physics/ College of Medicine/ Babel University
  • Shrooq Majeed AL-Saleh Department of Physiology and Medical Physics/ College of Medicine/ Babel University




Exercise, Diabetes Mellitus, Spirometer, glucose level


This study was conducted at twenty five male subjects (13 diabetic patients, and 12 normal persons). Their ages ranged from 40 – 60 years old. The patients were diagnosed by specialist physicians. All subjects were recruited to medical Physics' laboratory in the College of Medicine, Babylon University, in Iraq. The study conducted during the period from March 2009 to September 2009. Fasting blood glucose (FBS), heart rate (HR) and vital capacity were measured before and after exercise. The body weight and height were measured for all subjects at rest. The results of the present study revealed that all type 2 diabetic patients had decrease level of fasting blood sugar significantly (P < 0.001) in comparison to control after 15 minutes of moderate exercise, with non significant increase of HR (P > 0.05). The controls group showed non significant (P> 0.05) decrease in level of sugar, but they showed significant increase in vital capacity of lungs (P < 0.001).





