TAUS versus TVUS in detection early pregnancy complication


  • Amjaad Majeed Hameed College of Medicine, Al-Qadisiyah university




TAUS, TVUS, early pregnancy complications


Background:Using TVUS(transvaginal ultrasound ) visualization of pelvic organ is limited due to attenuation of ultrasound beam byintervening anterior abdominal wall and pelvic fat while TVUS (high frequency transducers 5-7MHz) now day regard important revolution in diagnosis of early pregnancy and their complications ,because it facilitate high resolution image of target organ uterus , adenaxa and cul de sac.
Aim of study:To evaluate TVUS in detection of early pregnancy complication and compare transvaginal approach with TAUS . Patient and Methods :Sixty four patients were included in this study all of them have positive pregnancy test with signs and symptoms of early pregnancy complication .All of those patient examine by TAUS than by TVUS .with good explanation of the procedure to the patients .
Results:From sixty four patients a twenty five patients has normal intrauterine pregnancy all of them are diagnosed by TVUS while only 12 diagnosed by TAUS.Five patients have blighted ova all of them are diagnosed by TVUS and only 2 diagnosed by TAUS. All of 6 patient with subchronic hematoma are diagnosed by TVUS only 4 diagnosed by TAUS . Three cases were diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy and all of them are diagnosed by TVUS only 1 diagnosed by TAUS . Two patient that diagnosed only by TVUS had intact gestational sac in the adenaxa with positive heart pulsation in fetal pole.Incomplete abortion diagnosed in 8 patient all of them diagnosed by TVUS , only 3 diagnosed by TAUS Fourteen patients has missed abortion only 8 of them are diagnosed by TAUS .
Conclusion and Recommendation:TVUS is more sensitive and more accurate in diagnoses of normal early pregnancy and in detection of early pregnancy complication.Many patient refused TVUS. So good explanation of the procedure to the patient is important.





