The aim of this study to quantify the effect of obesity on blood pressure. We study 80 persons (clinically normal), divided in two groups according to the age, the first group under 40 years which is subdivided into two groups, group A 20 persons with normal weight and group C also 20 persons with over weight and the second group, above 40 years also subdivided into two groups, group B 20 persons with a normal weight and group D 20 persons, with over weight and we have found the effect of obesity on, systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure on the first group and on the second group.And the results indicate that the effect of obesity on the age group over 40 years more than the effect of obesity on the age group, below the 40 years. So the effect of obesity on SBP, DBP and MBP is increase with the increasing of the age.