Frequency Of Sexual Dysfunction In Treated and Untreated Depressed Male Patients


  • Saadoun Dawood Ahmed AL-Jiboori



Depression, Sexual dysfunction


Objective: Morbidity of depression is not restricted to affective changes, but touches many aspects of psycho-physiological function. One of the most important of these is sexual function. Sexual dysfunction is common among individuals with major depressive disorder.
Aim of the study: To compare the frequency and type of sexual dysfunction in depressed patients prior to medication and subsequent to the medication.
Method: The sample of the study included 300 consulting male patients attending psychiatric unit in Azdi general hospital ,150 patients of them were on antidepressant medication and 150 of them without medication. Another 150 patients attending general male outpatient department acted as normal controls. We used symptoms checklist of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders, 4thedition (DSM-IV), criteria for major depression in order to ascertain the diagnosis. Depression severity was rated using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HAM-DRS). Patients sexual function was assessed using Arizon Sexual Experience Scale(ASEX) for men.
Results: The levels of libido reported by the depressed patients (55%) differ significantly from normal controls (10%). Patients taking antidepressant medication reported Erectile Dysfunction (52%), Ejaculatory Dysfunction (48%) and Orgasmic Dysfunction (30%) significantly different from untreated depressed patients (20%),(18%),(13%)respectively.
Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction was prevalent in depressed male patients.





