A prospective study of one hundred and thirty two patient with first. Second and third degree haemorrheids (prolapsed haemorhoid were excluded from the study) were treated by cryotherapy in Al-Dewaniya military hospital. For the period from March1996-through March 2003. Analysis was done for all relevant data such as degree haemorrhiod. Freezing time. Pre and postoperative symptoms and any complications. Good results were obtained in 109 patients out of 132. 6 patients developed anal fissure and treated by anal dilatation. 2 patients developed anal stenos is. Recurrence occurred in 15 patient and treated by formal haemorrhiodectomy. The method has the following advantages: Simple. Easy to perform. Painless. Done at the out patient department and cost effective. To minimize complications such as pain and haemorrhge. The iceball should be limited to the mucosal part of the haemorrhiod. The method will produce good results and low recurrence rate when careful selection of the patients is done. The ideal patient is the one with second and third degree haemrrhiod without any external or skin component.