A Survey Of Dermatophytes Isolated From Iraqi Patients In Baghdad City


  • Sudad Jasim Mohammed Dept.of Microbiology .Coll. of Vet. Medicine ,Uni. of Baghdad
  • Adil A. Noaimi Dept. of Dermatology. Coll. Of Medicine ,Uni. of Baghdad
  • Khalifa E. Sharquie Dept. of Dermatology. Coll. Of Medicine ,Uni. of Baghdad
  • Jasim Mohammed . Karhoot Dept.of Microbiology .Coll. of Medicine ,Uni. of Baghdad
  • Mohammed Sh.Jebur Dept.of Microbiology .Coll. of Health and Medicine Technology
  • Jamal R. Abood Dept. of Dermatology. Coll. Of Medicine ,Uni. of Mustansiriah
  • Adnan Al-Hamadani Coll. Of Medicine , Uni. Of Al- Qadisiyah




Dermatophytes, Iraqi patients


Dermatophytes infection is a common problem worldwide and frequent in Iraq. Several reports and articles were published on prevalence, distribution, causes and treatment of dermatophytosis .
This case study was conducted on fifty patients(31males and 19 females) with suspected dermatophytes were studied . Their ages ranged from one year to fifty years .Patients admitted to Baghdad Teaching Hospital , Dept . of Dermatology , Baghdad during September 2010 to March 2011.Hairs and scales were collected and microscopicall examination using 20% KOH were done. Hair and scales from active outer border of the lesion were inoculated on modified Sabouraud's dextrose agar. Culture was incubated at room temperature(28C°) for 4 - 5 weeks. The identification of dermatophyte species was based on the gross , and microscopical and cultural characteristic according to standard mycological references .
The infection of dermatophyte was much higher in children below 10 years of age. Males 31(62%) were affected more than females 19(38%).Tinea capitis 19(47.5%) was the predominant clinical type .The main etiological agents was Trichophyton rubrum 20(50%) followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes 13(32.5%).
The predominant anthropophilic dermatophytic species was Trichophyton rubrum.
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence, causative agents of dermatophytosis in group of Iraqi patients in Baghdad.





