Follow up of blood glucose level in infants of diabetic mothers during the first 24 hours of life

blood glucose level in infants of diabetic mothers


  • Rawasi Malik Obaid Ministry of health/ Al-Hussain hospital for children/ Al-Diwaniyah province/Iraq
  • Salah Mahdi Farhan • Ministry of health/ Al-Hussain hospital for children/ Al-Diwaniyah province/Iraq



   Diabetes in pregnant woman, is a common medical complication which can lead to significant neonatal morbidities by causing infant hypoglycemia. The aim of this work is to study the neonatal hypoglycemia in IDMs in a tertiary care hospital. A cross?sectional study was done in postnatal ward in Al Qadisiyah Maternity and Children hospital from February to August 2020. All IDMs delivered during this period who admitted to postnatal ward were included in this study. The results were compared between the normoglycemic and hypoglycemic IDMs and also between gestational diabetic mothers (GDM) and pre?GDM in hypoglycemic group using Chi?square test and Fisher’s exact test. The total number of IDMs who included in this study was 100 cases. Hypoglycemia occur in 74% of IDMs. 44% infants of GDM and 63% infants of pre?GDM developed hypoglycemia, i.e. it was more in infants of pre?GDM. Large for gestational age (LGA) were strongly associated with hypoglycemia (P = 0.0001, highly significant). 80.8% of hypoglycemic IDMs developed hypoglycemia during the first 6 h of age (P?value 0.00001, highly significant) and most of them (41.8%) developed it at 2 h of age. So that, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for this critical problem are needed.





