Potential Protective Effect of Local Ethanolic Extract of Propolis against Asthma A Biochemical study on Rats


  • Meaad N. Hussein college of Sciences Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Ferdous A. Jabir College of Medicine Al- Qadisiyah University




The present study is designed to investigate the effect of Local Ethanolic Extract of Propolis to inhibition of free radical , and effect in antioxidant defense in asthmatic rats . Sixty healthy adult Sprague-dawley males rats were used in this study, divided into four groups. Every group contained 15 male rats . The first group received distilled water once time daily for three weeks then injected with (subcutaneous) ( 0.5ml) saline one dose for three time on 1st,3rd,5thday .The second group was received distilled water for three weeks then injected (s.c.)three doses of 100μg of Egg albumin on 1st,3rd,5thday . The third group was received local EEP for three weeks at doses 200mg /kg .after that induced asthma by injected (s.c.) three doses of 100μg of egg albumin on 1st,3rd,5thday . The last group rats received local EEP at doses 200mg /kg for three weeks , then injected ( s.c.) with (0.5ml) saline one doses for three time on 1st,3rd,5thday. After 21 days the experiment finished and the serum samples were collected to determine the MDA content and Catalase activity.
This study showed a significantly (P < 0.05) increased in MDA content in asthmatic rats ,but there was significant(P < 0.05) decrease in MDA in third group who treated EEP before induced asthma ,and there activity of Catalase was significantly ( P < 0.05) decreased in asthmatic rats but there was increased in rats who received EEP .This result indicate that EEP had potential to inhibited free radical and it can provided and reactivated antioxidant activates .and can protective from asthma by using it as treatment





