Proline Mesh (Patch And Plug) Repair Of Inguinal Hernia Under General Versus Local Anaesthesia : Early And Long-Term Outcomes


  • Jawad Kadhim Al-Dhahiry AL-Karama Teaching Hospital, Medical college , Wasit University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Inguinal hernia، Mesh repair، Recurrance


Background: There is minimal data regarding the feasibility of Proline (patch and plug) inguinal hernia repair under local anaesthesia and patient acceptability.This study compares outcomes of Proline ( patch and plug) inguinal hernia repair under local anaesthesia versus general anaesthsia . Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in Department of Surgery,Al-Karama Teaching Hospital,Medical college/Wasit University,Iraq ,from 1st Faruary 2008 to 30th June 2012 and included 124 male patients. Follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 53 months .Study Design: The study design was a prospective study.Methods: This is a prospective study ,included 124 male patients(female patients were not included in this study ) with inguinal hernias that were repaired with Proline (patch and plug) over a 4.5 year period. The outcome (parameters) measures were, the type of anaesthesia used, early and late postoperative complications, and the patient satisfaction. Results: One hundred twenty four inguinal proline mesh hernioplasties were analyzed. Eighty two hernioplasties were performed under local anaesthesia (group A) and fourty two were performed under general anaesthesia (Group B). Patients with a body mass index >30 were 17 (14%) of group A and 8 (6%) of group B, respectively, (p = 0.7). Day cases were higher in the local-anaesthesia group (75 days vs. 16 days, p = 0.001). Early complications were similar in the two groups. 18 (26%) patients in the local anaesthesia and 6 (19%) in the general anaesthesia developed chronic groin pain (p = 0.6). One recurrence was noted in the local anaesthesia group. Patient satisfaction was high with both anaesthetic techniques. Conclusions: Proline (patch and plug) inguinal hernia repair under local anaesthesia resulted in increased day cases with similar complication rate when compared to general anaesthesia. Both anaesthetic techniques were associated with good outcomes and excellent patient satisfaction.





