Significant of conventional serological tests in diagnostic of Brucellosis in AL-Diwaniyah province


  • Adnan .H. AL-Hamdani Medicine College, University of AL-Qadisiyah
  • Naser J. AL-Zawadi College of Vet. Medicine University of AL-Qadisiyah



The study was conducted on 351 serum samples from suspected cases brucellosis of human (125 ) (68 male and 57 female )of age distribution from (10-70) years and 100 sheep (84 females and 16 males) , goat (23 female and 17 male ) and cow (64 female and 22 male ) of different ages (1->3 years) suspected selected from October 2011 to August 2012 in Diwaniyah province. The Rose Bengal test, tube agglutination test and 2- mercaptoethanol test were used to determine the incidence of brucellosis. The highest infection rate of disease was recorded by Rose Bengal test 19.2%, 21% , 17.39% and 8.13% in human sheep ,goat and cow respectively . In human the high incidence was in male where as in livestock animal the highest incidence was in females in all serological tests and the highest incidence was in females at the age between 1-3 years whereas in males more than 3 years of age .The results of tube agglutination test revealed the titer 1/320 occurred mostly compared with other titers. Eight chronic cases were determined by 2-mercapto-ethanol test in human and 4 ,1 and 2 chronic cases in sheep , goat and cow respectively. The degree of agreement of negative samples with Rose Bengal test and tube agglutination, and 2- mercaptoethanol tests was 99%, 99% in human and 98.43% and 98.43% in sheep, as well as 100% in both test for goat and cow respectively .





