Study the infection with intestinal parasites (Entamoeba histolytica) and its effect on the blood nature in children from Thi-Qar province


  • Yahya T. Daoud
  • Khalid M. Dakhil
  • Hanaa Daaj Khalaf Al-Mozan



The present study has included collection of 1001 fecal samples of children aged seven years and less than that age . 333 blood samples have been collected for the children that proved their infection by intestinal parasites from samples of study and 100 blood sample from non - infected who visited different hospitals in Thi – Qar Provence during the period from the first of October 2010 to the end of July 2011 to study the rate of intestinal parasites infection and their impact on certain criteria bloody . The fecal samples have been examined by two methods are: direct smear using Normal Saline and Lugol,s Iodine and indirect with flotation by using Zinc Sulfate water ZnSO4. 7H2O . The results have showed that percentage of infected children with parasites was % 33.3 . Entamoeba histolytica formed high percentage % 30 . Significant differences by using (T-test) in level P< 0.05 become clear when studying effect type of infection and type of parasite on some criteria bloody such as Packed Cell Volume PCV , Hemoglobin Hb, White Blood Cell WBC and Number of eosinophile. E. histolytica formed high percentage therefore we decided to highlight on the impact of that parasite in red blood cells and the concentration of antibodies formed against it , but the statistical analysis did not find any significant differences in the criteria for red blood cells between infected and not infected with this parasite, as well as the concentration of IgG while we found IgM concentration difference in patients compared to non-infected.





