Bromocritine Treatment in Infertile Population of Women with Galactorrhea


  • Taghreed S. Al-Quizwini University of Al-Qadisiyah ,College of Nursing



Galactorrhoea ( a non-physiological production of milk) can be found with or without raised levels of serum prolactin . Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates milk secretion and cause luteal phase disturbance. Thus galactorrhrea can ead to infertility which is one of the most common gynecological problems of women attending gynecological clinics .All patients included were showing galactorrhea and all were complaining of infertility.The patients were collected from the infertility clinic in the maternity teaching hospital in Al-diwaniah city ,and from private clinics from Oct 2009 to June 2001 and according to strict inclusion criteria, that eliminate other causes of infertility other than presence of galactorrhea and eliminate risky conditions that may exacerbate upon the use of the drug bromocriptine. The total number of patients was 227. Fasting serum prolactine was examined for each patient and all patients were started on treatment with Bromocripine ( a dopamine agonist ) orally of 1.25 mg or at half tab a day on a fixed dose. The patients were grouped into two groups according to their levels of fasting serum prolactine, group A(G A) had high levels above normal serum prolactine gathering 87 patients and group B(G B) had normal serum prolactine levels gathering 120 patients. Twenty patients were out of the study being either missed from follow up or excluded for risk or for severe side effects. Each patient was followed up for 12 month from the initiation of the treatment or until appearance of response ,which one being earlier.Accumulative pregnancy rates were followed for the two groups in one year following treatment. The result was ( 89.8 % of patients of GA ), and 76.6% of patients of GB ).Although the difference is significant the accumulative pregnancy rate was significant in group B too. Conclusion: In infertile women with galactorrhea, we suggest treatment with bromocriptine in these patients regardless of serum prolactin level.







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