Prevalence of hepatitis c infection among multitransfused thalassemia major patients in ibn-albalady center of thalassemia


  • Abdul karem jasem Albahadle Dept. pediatric ,College of Medicine Al-Nahrain University
  • Areege Abdul Abass Dept. pediatric ,College of Medicine Al-Nahrain University
  • Ali Hussein Ali Al-kadhimiya Teaching Hospital


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Thalassemia، hepatitis، blood transfusion


Back ground : Beta thalassemia major occurs in the Mediterranean littoral ,characterized by chronic heterolysis and frequent blood transfusion which carry a lot of complication like viral hepatitis
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of Hepatitis C infection among multitransfused thalassemia major patients.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 206 thalassemia major patients referred to the IBN-ALBALADY Center of Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathy from May to September 2011,data about age,sex,number of blood transfusion ,history of splenectomy and result of serological viral markers for anti HCV antibody, HBsAg and anti HIV antibody were obtained from the patient files at the hospital. The result were analyzed using Chisquared distribute to obtain the p-value.
Results: Out of 206 patients, 99 (48.1%) were male and 107 (51.9%) were female.Forty one(19.9%) were seroposative for hepatitis C infection.Forty six patients were < 5 years tow(4.3%) of them were positive , 77 between 5-10 years,16 (20.8% )of them were infected and 83 above 10 years of age23(27.7%) of them were infected . Thirty three (16%) were received < 30 times blood transfusion only one(3%) of them get the infection, while 173 (84%) received ≥ 30 times40 (23.1%)of them get infecton . Fifty seven patients (27.7%) had already undergone splenectomy 11(19.3%) of them get the infection, while30(20.1%) of 149 patients without splenectomy get the infection.
Conclusion: multi transfused thalassemic patients are at a risk for HCV infection. Thus routine screening using more accurate technique is necessary in order to prevent viral infection.







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