Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis;N.A.S.H In Babil Governorate
Fatty liver is a well known cause of sudden death. It could affect any one with different etiologies, alcohol ,metabolic, drugs, poisons, pregnancy, obesity…etcObjective:To demonstrate the extent of such defect among general population in order to correct it by elimination the cause and the promising treatment. Patients and materials: A hundred cadavers referred to the Forensic pathology department in the Babil Health Directorate were examined from the 1st of April 2007 to the 1st of April 2008, 65 males, 35 females fall in the category of the violent death .Alcoholics, diabetics, obese, pregnant, and those who were in the both extremities of age were excluded.
Result: A mild type of fatty changes was found in eight cadavers (5 males, 3 females) not associated with hepato or spleenomegaly.