Direct detection of Mycoplasma species from male with sterile Pyuria by Polymerase Chain Reaction


  • Ibtisam H. S. Al-Azawi College of Medicine/ Al-Qadisiyah University



To determine the percent of occurrence of Mycoplasma spp. in sterile pyuria and the evaluation of e-Myco PCR as rapid and sensitive technique for identification. Sterile pyuria urine samples collected from 55 patients attending to Al Diwania Teaching Hospital and different private laboratories in Al-Diwania province were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of Mycoplasma spp. by a new kit called e-Myco in addition to 20 healthy individual as control group. In the present study the ages of patients with sterile pyuria were (20-57) year old and the age group (20-30 years) recorded the highest incidence of sterile pyuria 31/55 (56.37%). From total 55 sterile pyuria patients 21 (38%) patients were positive for Mycoplasma spp. by direct detection by PCR with significant difference (P<0.05). On the other hand 7/21( 12.7% ) patients were with recurrent urinary tract infection, 4/11 (7.2%) patients with primary and secondary infertility, in 3/3 (5.5%) patients with urinary bladder cancer, in 3/6 (5.5%) patients with chronic prostitis and 4/14 (7.2%) in non complications patients were positive for Mycoplasma spp. PCR assay provide a rapid and effective measure to detect Mycoplasma spp. in sterile pyuria. The incidence of sterile pyuria decrease with progress in age.





