Epidemiological variation in acute appendicitis regarding incidences and causes


  • Hussein Taher Abbas AL-Baaj Medical College of Al-Qadisiyah University




This study in epidemiology and causes of acute appendicitis in our city ( aldywania) to show the difference in the incidence and causes and complications of the disease in comparison with international study. Material and methodies: prospective study collect 140 cases of approved appendicitis randomly during two years .
Results: 64 cases are between 13- 25 years and half of them are males while the incidence of males in above 25 years 38 of total 55 cases. 36 cases of obstruction are cause by fibrosis while 32 cases are cause by fecolith. 14 cases are perforated. Discussion: Our study show difference in incidence of disease in that it is common in males above 25 year and below 12 years about more than 70% of cases are males while equal incidence between males and females between 12 -25 years paradoxical to international study. Also show the fibrosis of previous attacks is the commonest causes of obstructed type in age above 30 years and fecolith is second to it which is the commonest cause of obstructive appendicitis in the international study. Recurrent appendicitis form about 27% of causes so it is good practice to operate in all cases of acute appendicitis whatever it is mild to prevent more sever attack of recurrence due to obstruction induce by fibrosis.
Conclusion: 27% of cases are recurrent and the commonest cause of obstruction is old fibrosis and the disease is more common in males in age after 30 years and before 12 years. 10% of cases complicated by perforation mainly in children.





