Common causes of neonatal sepsis in ALkadhimiyia Teaching Hospital


  • Abdul karem jasem Albahadle
  • Areege Abdul abass


الكلمات المفتاحية:

early onset، late onset، sepsis، neonate


Sepsis is common in the neonatal period which may be acquired in utero through the placental or trans-cervical routes and during or after birth and because the immunological system of neonates is not well developed make this infection series and fatal if did not treated in optimal manner . To identify the most common causes of sepsis in ALKadhthimyia Teaching Hospital and its mortality rate. Cross-sectional study was conducted during the period between 14th of February 2009 to 25th of February 2010 on 127 neonates with sepsis diagnosed clinically and they wereadmitted in AL-Kadhthimyia Teaching Hospital ,they ere divided into two groups according to the time of appearance of the disease which were early onset sepsis and late onset sepsis. blood was taken from them and send for culture. The most common clinical presentation in early onset sepsis [EOS] were , poor feeding, lethargy and fever( 94.12% ,91.76 % ,and 52.94 % respectively )which is similar to late onset sepsis[LOS] (95.24%,92.86% and 57.14 % respectively). the most common organisms responsible for[EOS] were Staph.aureus, Enterobacteria,and staph.epidermidis (25.89 % ,21.18 % and21.18 % respectively ) while in[LOS] Staph.aureus Enterobacteria and E.coli ( 21.43 % ,16.67 % and 11.90 % ). The over all mortality was 29.92 % which was slightly more in [LOS] 30.95 % than in [EOS] 29.41% also it was more common in male than female in both groups. Staph.aureus,Enterobacteria were the leading cause of sepsis in both groups while staph.epidermidis wase more common in [EOS]and E.coli was more common in [LOS] .







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