Assessment of Citicoline protection against seizure induced in the rabbits


  • Ekhlas Sabah Hassan
  • Ammar Rasoul
  • Hussein Abdul Khadim


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Citicoline، Seizure، Xylocoaine، EEG


Seizure is a big neurological health problem affect about 1% of the general population causing significant social, health, and economic burdens that necessities further evaluations of more effective treatment for this disorder. In a trial of assessing the phospholipid derived citicoline protection against neurological and metabolic sequalaes of seizure, a rabbit model was prepared by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of xylocaine in comparison with xylocaine given together with citicoline in another group of rabbits. Clinical monitoring of convulsions together with physiographic electroencephalogram ( EEG ) recording and serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) parameters were evaluated. There was a significant protection against development of convulsion obtained in citicoline given group. Moreover citicoline significantly protected against EEG synchronization in that just 30 +/- 7 microV at upper alpha band(10-11.5 Hz) has been obtained which was within normal limits in comparison with xylocaine alone : 60 +/- 11 microV at theta 4-7.5 Hz band and 55 +/- 8 microV at gamma 20-45Hz ; P<0.05. Significant reductions in serum CPK and serum LDH were also attributed to administration of citicoline, P<0.05 .In conclusion : citicoline has beneficial protective effects against seizures and convulsion in a lower therapeutic dose.





