Haematological And Epidemiological Study Of Visceral Leishmaniasis In Pediatric Patients In Mid-Euphrate Area


  • Hashim Raheem Tarish Dept. Of Medical Microbiology,College Of Medicine,University Of Kufa




This study was conducted in the Mid-Euphrate region (Al-Qadisya,Najaf and Karbala provinces) during the period from 1/June 2004 to 1/ May 2006. Two types of laboratory tests were used in this study for the diagnosis of visceral  eishmaniasis in suspected patients who attending to the pediatric hospitals in these provinces. The study included 150 child suspected of having visceral leishmaniasis depending on the clinical features, haematological changes and 2 tests (Dipstick and ELISA) were used for the diagnosis the disease. It was found that all children were susceptible for the disease but those who were 13-24 month old are the most susceptible age for all applied tests and the percentage of the positive cases according to the tests were used. The study was showed that all patients entered to the hospitals were suffered from increase of the fever. All patients were admitted to hospitals have had mild splenomegally (1-5 cm) below the costal margin . It was found that both sexes were infected, but the males were more susceptible and the disease was more prevalent in rural areas.





