Cranial Ct Scan Findings In Patients With Headache


  • Khalil Kareem Al-Umeri University of Al-Qadisiyah College of medicine



Objectives : 140 patients with non specific headache referred from neurology and medical outpatient clinics were studied to review the cranial computerized tomography findings and check if there were any significant lesion detected by CT scan.
Methods : The patients were assessed using CT apparatusSiemens Somatom Emotion soft ware version A40A at Aldiwanyia teaching hospital during the period from July 2008 to September 2009  CT images were taken with 5 mm slices , intravenous contrast enhancement were done to confirm the diagnosis in patients with cerebral tumors .
Results : The patients divided into two main groups on the basis of imaging findings: Group 1: No abnormality detected in cranial CT scan examination of 107 patients ( 76.4 %) . Group 2 : 33 patients ( 23.6 %) with abnormal cranial CT scan examination . Abnormal CT findings divided into : 12 patients with sinusitis or sclerotic mastoid air cells, 10 patients with intracranial space occupying lesion ( SOLs) , 8 patients with cerebral atrophy , 3 patients with cerebral infarction .
Conclusion : patients with intracranial SOLs in our study confirms that significant lesions can be detected by CT scan in patients with non specific headache not completely fulfilling international headache society criteria.





