A Study Of Lipid Profile On A Group Of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus And Coronary Heart Disease In Najaf


  • Anwar Madlol AL-Janabi College of Medicine- Kufa University
  • Salih Mahdi AL-khafaji College of Medicine- Kufa University
  • Mohammad Saeed Abdul Zahraa College of Medicine- Kufa University




diabetes mellitus DM and undoubtly contribute to increase in risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), CHD represent one of the most important health problems and remain the major cause of morbidity and mortality in many countries all over the world.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the lipid profile parameters level among patients with DM and pateints with CHD.
Methods: A total of 90 patients ( 50 DM; 25 males and 25 females and 40 CHD; 20 males and 20 females ), in comparison with 40 of healthy individuals ( 20 male and 20 female). The patients were randomly selected in Najaf region. The lipid profile parameters were measured for each patients and healthy individuals using Spainreact kits with standard procedure. Results:The results revealed that DM and CHD patients had higher level of TC and Tg, HDL-cholesterol was significantly lower in DM and CHD patients of both sexes when compared with normal individual, whereas LDL-cholesterol was significantly higher in
CHD male and female patients. The atherogenic index was significantly increased in CHD male and female patients according to their age levels.
Conclusion:The present study indicate that lipid profile parameters level were elevated in two types of patients but the atherogenic index was higher in CHD patients more than in DM patients .




