Determination of heavy elements levels in blood of children with anemia living at Al- Najaf City.


  • Rasha S. Nima College of Science University of Kufa.
  • Maha A. Al-Shamri College of Science University of Kufa.
  • Mustafa A. Al-Kadium College of Science University of Kufa.
  • Hussein Al-Shahin College of Science University of Kufa.



This study aimed to determine Fe ,Pb , Mn ,Se, Cu ,and Zn levels in the blood of children with anemia , living at Al- Najaf City ,as indicators of environmental pollution in this city. Sixty five children (mean age 7.8 ±0.5) including 34 girls , 28 boys having anemia and the ages matched healthy children 29 girls and 28 boys ,were studied .We observed iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in 35 child (16 girls ,19 boys) ,and only anemia (OA) in 30 child (15 girls ,15 boys). It was found that significant difference of Hb, PCV ,MCV (P<0.01) , and ferritin(P<0.001) values in IDA patients (both girls and boys)were found, when compared with healthy children. The results show that there are significantly higher levels of Pb , Mn , and Zn ,in the serum of children in (IDA) group( both girls and boys) in comparison with their control groups . While Se , and Cu levels were significantly lower in (OA) and(IDA) groups , girls and boys, as related to their control groups. In conclusion ,children with iron deficient anemia are more sensitive to the pollutants and more at risk as compared to healthy children . Their bloods are considered as an index of biologically active metals in the body, reflecting direct interaction of atmosphericpollution of a population.





