The Effect of Recasting on the Castability of Prepared Nickel-Chromium Dental Base-Metal Casting Alloy


  • Mohammed Talib Al-khafagy Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad
  • Suhad Jabar Hemed Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, University of Kufa


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Castbility، casting behavior، Ni-Cr alloy، recasting


Background: Evaluation the effect of recasting process on the castability value of prepared Ni-Cr dental base-metal casting alloy and compare it with other conventional alloy.
Materials and methods: The prepared Ni-Cr alloy was locally prepared in Iraq by Al- Khafagy (2003), while the CB Blando Ni-Cr was used as conventional alloy. A wax mash of 1mm opening and (10*10) segments square was invested in phosphate-bonded investment and casted by using induction casting machine. The number of complete cast segments was counted, divided by (220) and multiplied by (100) to obtain a percentage designated the castability value (Cv).
Results and discussion: The prepared Ni-Cr alloy samples were showed lower castability values than the conventional alloy, this may be related to unalloyed silicon and manages and loss the role of these elements in improvement of castability of prepared Ni-Cr alloy. The castibility value was decreased as the percentage of used alloy increased, however, ANOVA test revealed a non significant differences within the groups. Practically, the experimental and conventional alloys could be recastd if the recasted process will not affect the other properties of such alloys.





