Relationship between ADA level and type of bacterial causative agents of chronic Suppurative Otitis media


  • Habbeb S.Naher Department of Microbiology College of Medicine University of Bobylon



A total of 344 ear swabs were obtained from 300 outpatients. ( 152 were female and 148 were male ) .256 of them had unilateral and 44 had bilateral otorrhea , attending to the ENT-Department at general teaching hospital in Najaf governorate for the period from 1st December 1999 to of July 2000 .all patients submitted to ENT-examination by physicians .in addition to that 3ml of venous blood were aspirated from 41 patients with this disease and 45 normal healthy individuals carefully selected as a control for assessment the adenosine deaminase (ADA) enzyme specific activity . Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( the predominant pathogens in this study ) represented in 21.6 % from all isolates followed by other pathogens which include staphylococcus aureus(18%) Proteus species (14.2%) Echerichia coli(10%) Klebsiella pneumoniae(8.4%) anaerobic bacteria which includes bacteriodes species (3.1%) and peptostreptcoccus species. (2.7%) were also of 41 patients. This activity showed a significant decrease in patients (69.± 5.4 U/mg) then in the between three patterns of infection and the level of specific activity of immunoenzyme ADA specific activity were also found between three patterns of infection .in which the Mono – inaction group has a higher activity .there is an association between bacterial infection and the level of specific activity of immunoenzyme ADA.





