The clinical significance of reproductive hormones concentration in follicular maturation in patient with Luteal phase defect


  • Buthena Abbas Frhan Department of chemistry, Medical College Al-Qadisiyah University



Forty infertile female patients were involved in this study. Twenty infertile female were with luteal phase defect and the rest twenty female were with out luteal phase defect they represent control group .All patient were stimulated with clomiphene citrate (clomid) and human menopausal gonadotropin (Humegon). hormones in follicular fluid of mature, intermediet and immature oocytes. 2-To compare the in vitro fertilization rate of the three groups of the oocytes. The luteal phase is characterized by the production of progesterone from the corpus luteum with in the ovary .The corpus luteum is derived both from the granulosa cells that remain after ovulation, and from some of the theca cells which differentiate to become theca lute in cells. Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum is the dominant hormone of the luteal phase. Serum progesterone level less than 10 ng/ml in cycle day twenty-one indicate the presence of luteal phase defect. Follicular fluid sample following aspiration of oocytes were classified into three group (mature, intermediate and immature oocytes) depending on the morphological structure of the oocytes and the surrounding cells. The concentrations of follicular fluid hormones were measured by enzymes immuno assay method using the minividas. Patients with luteal phase defect have significant higher levels of follicle stimulating hormone, Luteinizing hormone and prolactine hormone than patients with out luteal phase defect (control group). The control group has significant higher level of progesterone and estrogen hormones than luteal phase defect patients. The luteal phase defect patients have the lowest maturation rate and the lowest fertilization rate than control groups. The mature oocytes gave significant higher concentration of progesterone and estrogen hormones than intermediate or immature oocytes with better in vitro fertilization rate and cleavage rate than the immature oocytes. The results of the present study indicate that increased levels of gonadotropin in patients suffering from luteal phase defect have a significant clinical importance in the maturation it could lead to inhiption of the growth of oocytes and result in decrement of the maturation rate and this support the threshold theory of gonadotropin. Those hormones could be considered as potential markers of human oocytes quality and in vitro fertilization.





