Curing of plasmid contents of Proteus spp. isolated from urinary tract infections in AL- Diwaniyah city


  • Adnan H. AL-.Hamadan University of Al-Qadisiyah College of medicine
  • Azhar N. Hussein Education college , AL-Qadisiyah university
  • Ali A. AL-Nashaa Education college , AL-Qadisiyah university



This study included isolation and identification of Proteus spp . from urinary tract infections of Gynecology and padiatrics Hospital teaching in Diwaniyah cityand investigated the virulence factors connected with pathogenicity of this bacteria. It aims also at curing of plasmid contact by means of using some chemical materials. The bacteria Proteus spp. Isolates formed 16% which belong P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris from bacterial causes of urinary tract infection in children. The isolates of this bacteria has some physiological characteristics which represent virulence factors related to the ability of bacteria to make infection . It seems that 80% from these isolates were capable to Haemagglutination of RBCs . These isolates produce also Haemolysine enzyme. It was found that percentage of production was 60% . As for Blactamase enzyme production 40% of these bacteria isolates showed ability to produce his enzyme. Moreover, only 20% from Proteus isolates showed ability to produce bacteriocin production. All these isolates were not able to produce capsule production. When testing the resistance of Proteus isolates toward 8 different commonly used antibiotics in treatment of urinary tract infection, results showed that the isolates have different resistance depending on the type of antibiotic and the strain of the isolates. All these isolates were completely resistance Nitrofurantion in 100% while the least resistance toward Nalidixic acid and Gentamicin reached 20% for both. The results showed that there were DNA plasmid in 3 bacteria isolates but there was no relationship between the plasmid bands and resistance toward antibiotics. The P. mirabilis isolate which contained 4 plasmid bands was treated with SDS and Ethidiun bromide in an attempt to curing plasmid bands. The result showed that this isolate lost the ability to produce the majority of virulence factors that caused this disease and lost its resistance for som antibiotics especially Nalidix acid , Ampicillin and Choramphenicol. The ethidium bromide was the most effective in curing process since the resultant strain aest all plasmid bands.





