Analysis of Suprapubic ultrasonographic measurements in Assessment of Prostate dimensions and Volume


  • Hazim R. Akal Dept. of surgery, medical college, Thi qar University
  • Ali H. Fahad Dept. of surgery, medical college, Al-Qadisiyah University



Objective: As far the prostate size is an important parameter to determine the way to treat the patient with BPH and the type of surgery used, so the objective of our study was to compare and evaluate the ultrasonographic size of the prostate by suprapubic rout with the real postoperative prostate size .
Materials and Methods: between July 2011 and May 2012 forty three patients underwent both preoperative suprapubic ultrasonography (SPUS) and either transvesical or retropubic prostatectomy for BPH was included in this study. Using ellipse volume calculation (height, length and width), SPUS prostate volume was determined, and was compared with the measured volume of the specimen post-operative.
Results: Prostate volume measured by SPUS, correlated closely with real specimen volume. The study revealed no significant difference between SPUS prostate volume and real post-operative specimen volume.
Conclusion: Prostate volume measured by SPUS closely correlates with real prostate volume. Furthermore, we suggest that when measuring prostate volume in this way, it’s more comfortable to the patients and noninvasive procedure.





