Echocardiographic Finding in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Hemodialysis in Al-Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital


  • Meld Qasim Kamal
  • Aqeel Raheem AL-Braqawee


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Echocardiography finding، Ventricular hypertrophy، chronic kidney disease، hemodialysis


 Background: Chronic kidney disease is irreversible deterioration of renal function which results into impairment of excretory, metabolic and endocrine functions leading to development of the clinical syndrome of uremia. Patients with Chronic kidney disease are at significantly increased risk for both morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. Patients on dialysis have a 10- to 30-fold increased risk for cardiovascular mortality compared with the general population. Cardiovascular disease is the single most important cause of death among patients receiving long-term dialysis; accounting for 44% of overall mortality. The magnitude of the problem has become more apparent as patients now survive longer on maintenance dialysis.

Objective: To study various cardiovascular changes in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis with help of 2D echocardiography.

Patients and Methods: A cross sectional study from tenth of March to the tenth of June of 2023 in Al- Zahraa dialysis center in Al-Diwaniyah teaching hospital. The study included 64 patients on  hemodialysis, detailed history and examination were performed for every patient. The echocardiography examination was done for all involved patients and data was analyzed using SPSS version 26.

Results: the mean age and Body mass index was significantly higher among dialysis group. The family history of chronic kidney disease, diabetic mellitus, smoking history and history of hepatitis B, C were a risk factor that shown a significant difference between two groups. The mean serum level of Hb, calcium and phosphorous were significantly differing between two groups. Only 30% of patients on non-dialysis group had normal echo finding while 18.7% of patients on dialysis group had normal echo finding.

Conclusion: abnormal echo finding was more prominent among dialysis group, with most common abnormality was left ventricular hypertrophy fallowed by valvular disease


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