Extremities Trauma in Emergency Unit of Al-karama Hospital-Alkut city- Wassit province


  • Hikmet k. Abbas Wassit University- Medical College
  • Aseel H. Shemal Wassit University- Medical College




Extremity wounds compose the burden of injury in Emergency Unit in Alkarama hospital and there is a great need for research to improve the treatment of patient who incur these devastating injuries.
Objective: The aim of this project was to define the epidemiological profile of the patients attended in Emergency Unit in Al-karama hospital regarding the upper and lower limb trauma.
Methods: Authors and trained assistants collected data with aid of a simple proforma was designed to collect basic demographic data , type of accident,type of injury in general, type of management , site of injury in the body, place of management and the last result of this management, A total number of 189 cases were included in this study. The period of the present study extended from October 1, 2010 to February 1, 2011.
Results: Most cases of this present study were male (67.7%) . The commonest causes of trauma admissions were musculoskeletal injuries to the extremities (41.8%). RTA are the major cause of extremity trauma (31.7%) . This study shows that trauma of the upper limb is (63.5%) . (52.9% ) of present study were managed in surgical ward. According to faith of the patient,the present study show that (55.5%) had complet healing Conclusion: Extremity wounds compose the burden of injury in Emergency Unit in Al-karama hospital.So in conclusion the demands of providing quality affordable emergency surgical services in the setting of a developing country are enormous and will continue to rise . There must be adequate government support as well institutional commitment to the development of its human and structural resources to meet these needs .





