Noise induced hearing loss in textil factory and dental labrotory


  • Runak Tahr Ali Hawler Medical University / Collage of Medicine / Biophysics.
  • Nabil Abdulrazzaq Fatah Hawler Medical University / Collage of Medicine / Biophysics.
  • Fatehiya Fathullah Hasan Hawler Medical University / Collage of Medicine / Biophysics.



In order to provide a standard reference of noise induced hearing loss for Kurdistan population in Erbil city from textile factory & dental laboratory, a hearing loss survey was conducted on 125 sample of different ages and both sex .The hearing threshold of air conduction and bone conduction was measured over a frequency range from 250 Hz to 8 KHz under standard condition. Audiometric test was performed for the selected sample in a sound proof room, type (IAC). A pure tone manually operated Vienna tone type (Operating instruction MA 53), equipped with TDH 39 earphone mounted in Maico diagnostic GmbH. We faced in our ENT. practice patients complained of sensori -neural deafness especially in high frequency range they are working in differentnoisy places. In this study we selected our sample in the textile factory as its so noisy factory and so many adults persons working in it. Aiming to detect the incidence and the degree of deafness and any possible protective measures necessary available to prevent deafness and to determine the prevalence of hearing problems among dental personal. The results of data indicate that statistically there is no significant difference between the hearing thresholds of the right and left ears at all frequency . It is found the mean threshold of the exposed subjects was still significantly worse than that of the non -exposed subjects at all frequencies tested for the exposed subjects aged >20 and <40 year .while for the older group (40 -49 ) year, it was worse at the frequency 4 KHz . The results showed that there was no interaction between the noise - exposure and the age affect at any of the six frequencies tested .The effect of noise on hearing was statistically significant. This mean that at every frequency tested, the exposed subjects had worse measuredhearing threshold values than the non exposed subjects.





