The use of propolis and black cumin in treatment of some wounds and burn infections


  • Adnan hamad uobeed AL-Hamadani Dept. of Microbiolgy College of Medicine Al-Qadisiyah University.



Background : Due to the randomly uses of antibiotics at the last decades against pathogenic microbes and the difficulties of treatment and recovery of burns and wounds infections especially in the hospitalized patients , an attention have been awarded to find an alternative medicine such the uses of as a medical plants preparations or natural materials to minimize the side effects that may resulted from the antibiotics therapy .
Aim : If study the effects in vitro& in vivo of the natural material (propolis = bees wax) and the medicinal plant ( black cumin) as alone or in their combination against some pathogenic isolates of burns and wounds contamination.
Materials & methods : Burns and wounds swabs were collected from hosted in patients in Al-Dwiania teaching hospital in order to isolate and identified the causative agents of burns and wounds infections using the routine culture methods .The effect of oily extract of black cumin seeds and alcoholic extract of propolis using disk diffusion and dilution methods of antibiotics susceptibly test were done against different isolate of bacterial causes of burns and wounds
infections .The lethal dose (LD50) for prepared extracts was calculated .The efficacy of these extracts ( propolis & black cumin ) were also tested as in vivo an ointment preparation (9%) against experimentally infected skin of mice with bacterial isolates .
Results : The main medical active ingredients in black cumin's extract were flavonoids , phenols , resins , coumarins and glycosides, while in propolis were phenols , resins and flavonoids .S. aureus was
highly ( P<0.05) susceptible to the action of each extract alone or in both , followed by Strep. pyogenes , E. coli and P. aeruginosa than the ointment of gentamcin as a control .The prapared ointment (9%) showed high qualification to treat such experimentally wounds in mice (8-9 days ) in comparison with control group (15-19 days ) .
Conclusions & recommendations: The prepared mixture ointment from propolis and black cumin revealed a high efficacy (P<0.05) in treatment of wounds of laboratory infected mice with tested isolates
and with 100 toxicity than drug control (Gentamicine) , So , the use of these medicinal and natural material in treatment can be recommended after a widely and deeply studies on voluntaries to document and establish the usage of this ointment .





