Misoprostol for termination of first trimester missed abortion.


  • Maha Assim AL- Azzawy Head Dept. of Obstetric and Gynecology Collage of Medicine Wassit University.




misoprostol, first trimester missed abortion, termination


Background: misoprostol is prostaglandin E1 analogue that can be given by oral, sublingual, vaginal or rectal route. It is cheap and can be stored at room temperature and because of its utero-tonic action, it become an important drug in obstetric and gynecological practice.
Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of intravaginal followed by oral misoprostol tablets for medical termination of missed abortion
between 8 – 13 weeks. Methods : a prospective study of (60) women with diagnosed missed abortion admitted to AL- Zahraa General hospital – Wassit Governorate Iraq from July 2006 through July 2007 . 800 micrograms (4 tablets) of misoprostol inserted in the posterior fornix of the vagina after moisture with normal saline followed by oral 400 micrograms (2 tablets) 6 hours later. Another 400 micrograms were given orally 6 hours from the last dose for those patients whodid not respond to theprevious two doses.
Results: (48) patients (80%) had complete expulsion . (21) Patients (35%) after the vaginal dose. (15) Patients (25%) respond after the first oral dose and (12) patients (20%) after the second oral dose. (6) Patients (10%) had incomplete abortion; the remainder (6) patients (10%) failed to respond within 24 hours of starting treatment and require surgical evacuation. The mean time for expulsion was 10 hours.
Conclusion: first trimester missed abortion medical termination by misoprostol is effective, save and a practical Methods .





