The frequency of death among hospitalized neonates with hyaline membrane disease (HMD) in ALDIWANAH maternity and children teaching hospital from (2005-2007)


  • Deia K.kalaf



Assessment the frequency of death among hospitalized neonates with HMD in AL-DIWANAH, maternity and children teaching hospital, and to analyze risk factors associated with poor outcome.
Patients and methods: all the neonates with HMD who were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and expired, during a period of three years ( 2005 -2007 ),the patients were divided according to different parameters (sex, B,W, gestational age, mode of delivery, days of death, cause of death,) A total live births of 25463, and a total of 356 case of HMD were admitted during the period of the study, and 112 neonate were died with a frequency of 30%.,with sex ratio of male to female (1.4:1 ) respectively, and most of death was due to apnea in 87%, so the causes of death and risk factors for death were presented and compared with results of other studies in other parts of the world. Major risk factor associated with HMD in the city were apnea, prenatal diagnosis facilities are not available, but post natal diagnosis depend mainly on clinical picture as no lab- test available in regard to L/S ratio by chromatography or shake test for amniotic fluid to assess maturity can be performed, mortality can be reduced by improving the ante-natal, obstetric, post-natal care levels.





