Comparative study between CT Scan and Intraoperative Endoscopic Findings in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis


  • Kassim Raisan Dekhil Professor. College of medicine
  • Nawras Jawad Ali Jawad Ali
  • Wisam Gheni Mahdi
  • Ayyed Odhafa Jasim
  • Muthanna Saleem Abdulameer



Paranasal sinus disease, , CT scan, Diagnostic nasal endoscopy, Endoscopic sinus surgery



Paranasal  sinus  diseases  are  one  of  the communest causes of  patients  visit  to  an  Otolaryngologist.  The  symptoms  are  multiple  and nonspecific,  while  inspection  is  often  limited  as  sinuses  cannot  be examined  directly.  Anterior  rhinoscopy  gives  little  information  about middle meatus and osteomeatal unit.

Objective: The study is carried out with an objective to compare the CT scan  findings  and  diagnostic  endoscopic  findings  with    operative  nasal endoscopy findings in patients with chronic rhinosinusits.

Methods:  A  cross  sectional  study dealt  with  36  patients  with  chronic rhinosinusitis  not  responding  to  routine  medical  lines  of  treatment  were selected and operated after being thoroughly investigated by means of CT scan  and  nasal  endoscopy.  All  patients    underwent  bilateral  surgery,  a total  of  72  events  were  carried  out. Verdicts of both the CT scan as well  as  analytic  nasal  endoscopy  were  correlated  with  operative findings.

Results: In the current study, a high association was found between both the modalities of assessment  i.e CT scan and operative nasal endoscopy. Indicative  nasal  endoscopy  is  found  to  be  highly  specific  investigatory modality  with  mean  specificity  (87.5%),  while  it’s  mean  sensitivity(79.5%).Whereas  CT-scan  was  highly  sensitive  (92.5%),  while  it’s specificity was (84.18%).

Conclusion  :  Both  nasal  endoscopy  and CT-scan  are  objective  measures that can increase the accuracy of chronic rhinosinusitis diagnosis. The use of  symptoms,  CT-scan,  and  nasal  endoscopy  may  prove  to  be  the  most accurate approach for reaching the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis.







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