A 10 years review of rupture pregnant uterus in Basra maternity and child hospital


  • Sajda Al-Rubaei Basra medical college,Dep. Of Obst. Gynaecol




Objectives: This study aims to document the experience of uterin rupture as a serious common complicaion of pregnancy in Basra (Iraq), it also aim to reviewing the main risk factors as to drow board lines for a strategy of prevention.
Methods :It is a retrospective study carried out at Basra maternity and child hospital (Iraq) medical records were reviewed for all patient with uterine rupture from the first of Jan. 1999 to the first of Jan. 2009 . The data was analyzed and findings were reviewed to compare the result of similar studies. Results:Out of a total number of deliveries in the studied peroid of (150514) 188 cases were diagnoised to have uterin rupture giving an incidence of 1:801. The main contributory factor of uterin rupture in this study were previous scar (29.7%) followed by CPD (26.5) follwed by PG insertion (12.7%). Around (67.02%) had complet rupture uterus. Subtotal hystrectomy was carried out in (55.2%), there was (9.5%) maternal mortality and perinatal mortality rate (62.7%).
Conclusion :This study confirm the existence of serious preventable obstetrical problem, poor provision of health services, low socioeconomic standard and poor antenatal care so both social and
medical improvement will significantly improve survival in the mother with rupture uterus and reduce perinatal mortality loss.







الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين