Confirmation of positive acid fast bacilli samples by tuberculosis bacilli culture


  • Nihad A.M. Al-Rashedi Biology Dept., Science college, Muthana University
  • Adnan A. Al-Hamadani Medical Microbiology Dept. ,Medicine College Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Orass M.S. Al-Taee Medical Microbiology Dept. ,Medicine College Al-Qadisiyah University



This study attempts to estimate the efficiency of acid fast bacilli(AFB) stain technique to diagnosis tuberculosis in the different samples. This study was performed in general Al-Diawynia hospital and Department of Microbiology, Medicine College, Al-Qadisiha University between October 2005 to October 2008. A total of 1654 clinical samples from 750 patients analyzed for acid-fast staining. These were 605 sputum, 67 bronchial wash, 42 pleural fluids, 4 urine, 7 ascetic fluids and 3 cerebrospinal fluids. The stained smear-positive were (5.3 %) distributed in different samples .Seventy five patients (10%) were evaluated by Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium culture that it was employed as gold standard for tuberculosis diagnosis, of these 58 were culture-positive specimens. The sensitivity of Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain Methods and LJ culture were (68.9 %) and (95.2 %) respectively. The specificity of ZN stain Methods and LJ culture were (88.2 %) and (45.4 %) respectively. The diagnosis accuracy of ZN stain Methods and LJ culture were (73.3 %) and (73.3 %) respectively. The positive predictive value of ZN stain Methods and LJ culture were (95.2 %) and (68.9 %), while negative predictive value were (45.4 %) and (88.2 %) respectively.







الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين