The alteration in serum amino acid profile in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


  • Buthena Abass Frhan Department of Chemistry, College of medicine, University of Al- Qadisiyah
  • Shama Abd Al-Azez Department of Chemistry, College of medicine, University of Al- Qadisiyah



The aim of this study was to identify whether there is a difference in serum (BCAA) concentration in COPD, and is this alteration associated with changes in total protein concentration, total cholesterol, Albumin and triglyceride (TGL). Fourteen patients with COPD their age is (62.3±2.4), and fourteen healthy volunteers their age (60.32±1.56) were examined. All subjects were men, furthermore the patients have irreversible obstructive air way diseases (emphysema due to heavy smoking) but they were clinically in stable condition and not suffering from respiratory tract infection or exacerbation of their diseases. Serum sample were obtained from all patients and control group for the measurement of BCAA, total protein, albumin and total cholesterol. The results show that the concentration of BCAA were reduced in patients with COPD (P<0.05) in addition to that there were a significant differ in serum concentration of total protein, total cholesterol, TGL and albumin between the patients with COPD and control group.







الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين